
Saturday 10 November 2012

Creatine Hydro-Cloride

New form of Creatine on the market which is to be the most potent and most beneficial form of creatine. which is the creatine used in the supplement "CONCRETE"

Some of the amazing positives to this form is that the creatine does not convert to Creatinine until it reaches the muscles. This is a huge positive as it cuts away the bloat factor that Monohydrate gives off by retaining water weight and giving the "bloated physic".

Some main Advantages are :

  • Micro Dosing ( becasue of its potency its dosed by body weight which makes it more effective and less strain on the body )
  • No cycling on and off ( which I wouldn't recommend doing, give your body 3 months ON at max, even less, and then of coarse 3 months OFF) or which ever you find is most beneficial to your body. 
  • No loading phase 
  • Creatine HCL will dramatically increase muscle cell vollumisation, which will cause and anabolic response to the muscle telling it to increase in size.

Creatine Hydro- Chloride is 59 more times absorbent than Creatine Mono Hydrate making it more effective than Creatine Ethyl Ester and Kre-Alkalyn

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