
Wednesday 14 November 2012

Unfortunately I will be removing this blog as I have created another blog if you may wish to visit, its still under construction and will be built up slowly. Thanks for the support Check it out! :)

Saturday 10 November 2012

Motivational Video

Investing Options

"Allan Grey" is one of the top investment companies to invest with, whether its Unit Trusts or planning your Retirement Annuity fund. "Allan Grey" has seen some pronominal growth within their funds which they offer.

If you are looking for something medium to long term. This would be at least a 3 year window at minimum. The "Balanced fund" would give you the investment growth and capital security which you seek if you are a low to median risk investor. The current fund size is sitting at R59 831 million as posted by their 31 October financial performance statement ( ). What is important to see is that the benchmark and fund percentages are close, meaning that they forecast reasonable growth goals for the fund which is in reach. They just about achieve their benchmark every year which shows their experiences and knowledge in this specific share market. The benchmark then is a really good indication which you can run by in order to estimate a reasonable fund growth for the year ahead.

Creatine Hydro-Cloride

New form of Creatine on the market which is to be the most potent and most beneficial form of creatine. which is the creatine used in the supplement "CONCRETE"

Some of the amazing positives to this form is that the creatine does not convert to Creatinine until it reaches the muscles. This is a huge positive as it cuts away the bloat factor that Monohydrate gives off by retaining water weight and giving the "bloated physic".

Some main Advantages are :

  • Micro Dosing ( becasue of its potency its dosed by body weight which makes it more effective and less strain on the body )
  • No cycling on and off ( which I wouldn't recommend doing, give your body 3 months ON at max, even less, and then of coarse 3 months OFF) or which ever you find is most beneficial to your body. 
  • No loading phase 
  • Creatine HCL will dramatically increase muscle cell vollumisation, which will cause and anabolic response to the muscle telling it to increase in size.

Creatine Hydro- Chloride is 59 more times absorbent than Creatine Mono Hydrate making it more effective than Creatine Ethyl Ester and Kre-Alkalyn

Friday 1 July 2011


it is extremly important to be covered by insurance, whether its life, car or household insurance. No a days its important because in our active lives anything can go wrong and without insurance you will be paying a large amount of money. For insurance , I would recommend  "Discovery Vitality" as it has many other rewards and benefits for you. check out the link below :

Wednesday 22 June 2011

How to build your own Spit Braai

You will need:

- 2 x uprights of hollow square steel with a 4cm diameter – 100 cm long.
- 1 x spit pole made from hollow square steel with a 2cm diameter 200cm long.
- 2 x crosspieces of solid round steel with a 0.5cm diameter 20cm long
- 2 x butcher hooks (or bend your own from pieces of steel)
- small roll galvanised wire with a 1.25mm gauge

Step 1
Drill three holes 5cm apart and 5cm from the top of the 4cm diameter uprights, big enough to fit your butcher hooks.

Step 2
Dig a pit about 20cm deep and 50cm by 180cm wide and long.

Step 3
Using a mallet (or a big piece of wood) hammer the 4cm diameter steel into the ground on either side of your pit until only half the upright is sticking out. Remember, the holes must face the length of the pit, and be on the same side.

Step 4
Insert butcher hooks into the drilled holes. These holes are used to adjust the height of the lamb above the fire. Up is cooler. Down is hotter.

How to Attach the Sheep
Before you attach the lamb to the spit, clean off all visible fat.

Step 1
Push spit pole through the lamb’s rear-end until the lamb is centred on the pole.

Step 2
Secure two crosspieces in front of chest, and behind back legs with the galvanised wire.

Step 3
Secure two legs together (intertwined) through the hooks with the galvanised wire. Repeat for both front and rear legs.

Step 4
Poke wire through the back of the lamb to secure the spine to the spit pole in four to five places from the neck to the pelvis and twist tight with a pair of pliers.
Once attached, check again and remove any fat without damaging the meat.