
Wednesday 22 June 2011

How to build your own Spit Braai

You will need:

- 2 x uprights of hollow square steel with a 4cm diameter – 100 cm long.
- 1 x spit pole made from hollow square steel with a 2cm diameter 200cm long.
- 2 x crosspieces of solid round steel with a 0.5cm diameter 20cm long
- 2 x butcher hooks (or bend your own from pieces of steel)
- small roll galvanised wire with a 1.25mm gauge

Step 1
Drill three holes 5cm apart and 5cm from the top of the 4cm diameter uprights, big enough to fit your butcher hooks.

Step 2
Dig a pit about 20cm deep and 50cm by 180cm wide and long.

Step 3
Using a mallet (or a big piece of wood) hammer the 4cm diameter steel into the ground on either side of your pit until only half the upright is sticking out. Remember, the holes must face the length of the pit, and be on the same side.

Step 4
Insert butcher hooks into the drilled holes. These holes are used to adjust the height of the lamb above the fire. Up is cooler. Down is hotter.

How to Attach the Sheep
Before you attach the lamb to the spit, clean off all visible fat.

Step 1
Push spit pole through the lamb’s rear-end until the lamb is centred on the pole.

Step 2
Secure two crosspieces in front of chest, and behind back legs with the galvanised wire.

Step 3
Secure two legs together (intertwined) through the hooks with the galvanised wire. Repeat for both front and rear legs.

Step 4
Poke wire through the back of the lamb to secure the spine to the spit pole in four to five places from the neck to the pelvis and twist tight with a pair of pliers.
Once attached, check again and remove any fat without damaging the meat.

Saturday 18 June 2011


The New Lamborghini Aventador LP 700

0-100Km in 2.9 seconds !!!!

Top speed- 350 km/h !!!!

As you know, the Aventador sports an all-new 6.5-litre V12 engine weighing in at just 235kg which produces 700bhp, 509lb ft and the ability to transport the carbon-fibre bodied, scissor-doored supercar from 0-100km in just 2.9 seconds and on to a top speed of 217mph. Since you're asking, the whole thing weighs 1,575kg - lean, for a two-door instrument of shouty oversteer.

The Aventador gets Lambo's new ISR transmission, claimed to be faster and ‘more emotional' than a dual-clutch system. We hope ‘emotional' doesn't refer to randomly breaking out into Opera or weeping hysterically at traffic lights. Those 700 horses trumpet through the box to all four wheels with an electronically controlled Haldex coupling distributing forces front and rear.
It comes with three driving modes adjusting engine, transmission, diff, steering and dynamic control, and they are ‘Strada' (road), Sport and ‘Corsa' (track). The pushrod suspension - inspired by F1 - is married to aluminium double wishbones and carbon-fibre ceramic brakes, keeping everything light and fighty.

The innards get swathed in ‘premium' materials and a TFT LCD screen akin to a ‘modern airplane', while you can choose from 13 exterior paint colours. If you need to be told, in a Lambo, the brighter the better...

Prices start at R 2,225,927.31

Thursday 16 June 2011

General Health Eating Plan Basics

Eating healthily isn't complicated once you know the basics. The Balance of Good Health will help you plan for a healthy diet.
Many people are unsure of what healthy eating means - not surprising when you consider the variety of, often conflicting, advice given. If you are trying to eat more healthily in order to lose weight, you'll also need to pay attention to calories.

The Balance of Good Health

Fruit & Vegetables

Eating healthily means at least 5 a day
This includes frozen, canned, dried and pure juices as well as fresh. Also included in this group are beans, including baked beans, pulses and lentils. The key for good health is to choose a wide variety - aiming for five different portions per day. A portion is approximately 80g, e.g. one medium apple or two medium plums.

Bread, Other Cereals & Potatoes

A healthy eating plan should include 5 portions daily
This group includes breakfast cereals, pasta, rice, noodles, oats and other cereals as well as bread and potatoes. You should aim to include at least one food from this group at each meal.

Milk & Dairy Foods

2-3 servings daily is the recommended healthy eating level
Milk, cheese, yoghurt and fromage frais are included in this group, but not butter, eggs and cream. Serving sizes in this group vary, depending on how concentrated the food is, e.g. 1 serving of milk is 200ml, a serving of yoghurt is 150g and a serving of cheese is 30g.

Meat Fish & Alternatives

2-3 servings daily, choose low fat if your healthy eating plan is for weight loss
This group includes eggs, poultry, and meat and fish products such as beefburgers and fishcakes. Some of these products can be high in fat - so it’s best to choose lower fat versions of products, and trim visible fat from meat and poultry. Alternatives are non-meat sources of protein such as nuts, tofu, mycoprotein, textured vegetable protein (TVP) and kidney beans.

Foods Containing Fat & Foods Containing Sugar

Eat in small quantities, 0-3 servings daily
These are foods high in fat and/or sugar. Butter, margarine, oil, mayonnaise, cream, crisps and fried foods are high in fat. Soft drinks, sweets and jam are high in sugar. Cakes, chocolate, biscuits, pastries and ice-cream are high in both. It is essential to include a small amount of fat in your diet, but most people need to eat less. The emphasis should be on unsaturated fat e.g. olive, sunflower and corn oil, rather than saturated fat which tends to come from animal products, cakes, biscuits and pastries.


The Workout below is easy to follow and builds bulk LEAN muscle. which breaks down fat as well as promotes rapid muscle growth. Best of both !

Monday: Chest ( 4 or 3 sets of the below exercises ) + 5 min cardio
  • Stretch before workout
  • Flat bench ( Reps : 12,10,10,8 or 6)
  • Incline dumbbells ( Reps : 12, 10,10,8 or 6)
  • Cable crossovers ( Reps : 12,10,10,10)
  • Incline flys ( Reps : 12,10,10,10)
Tuesday: Back + 5min cardio
  • Stretch before workout
  • Wide Pullups ( try and do 3 or 4 sets with as many reps a possible)
  • Deadlifts ( Reps: 12,10,10,10)
  • Single dumbbell rows ( Reps : 12,10, 8 or 6, 10)
  • Bent barbell rows ( Reps :10,10,8)
  • Lat pulldowns ( Reps: 10,10,10,10)
  • Shrugs ( Reps: 10,10,1W0,10)
Wednesday: Legs
  • 5-10 minute warn up run or cycle
  • Squats ( Reps: 12,10,10,8 or 6)
  • Leg presses ( Rep: 12,10,10,8 or 6)
  • Hamstring-Kick backs (12,10,10,8 or 6)

  • BEST CALF WORKOUT- Put a bar on your shoulder with the desired weight and get a step.Do 80 reps. When it starts burning stop until the burning starts to go away then get back onto the bar and finnish untill u reach 80 reps. If u can manage 2 sets then do it or just do 1 set. YOUR GARENTEED to be sore the next day!
Thursday: Shoulder
  • Stretch
  • Arnold dumbell presses ( Reps: 12,10,10,8 or 6)
  • Shoulder Press ( Reps: 10,10,10)
  • Front plate raise ( Reps: 10,10,10, 8 or 6)
  • Face pull ( Reps: 10, 10,10,10)
  • Flys ( Reps: 10,10,10,10)
Friday: Arms
  • Stretch
  • Seated or standing dumbell curls ( Reps: 10,10,10,8 or 6)
  • Hammer curl ( Reps: 10,10,10 8 or 6)
  • 90 degree preacher curl ( Reps: 10,10,10,8 or 6)
  • Tricep pushdown with rope with 6 push ups between sets ( Reps: 10,10,10, 8 or 6)
  • Skull crushes ( Reps: 10,10,10, 8 or 6)
  • Esay bar pulldowns ( Reps: 10,10,10,8 or 6)
  • Push ups( try do 3 or 4 sets as many reps as u can)
  • Kick backs ( Reps: 10,10,10,10)